
Pour en savoir plus sur le rapport qui existe entre le mouvement scout, ou plutôt entre l’activité des scouts, comme membres de l’Eglise, et l’Eglise au sens de structure hiérarchique et institutionnelle.

To learn more about into the relationship that exists between the scout movement, or rather the activity of the scouts, as members of the Church and the Church as a hierarchical and institutional structure.

Per saperne di più sul rapporto che esiste fra il movimento scout, o meglio fra l’attività degli scouts, come membri della Chiesa e la Chiesa intesa come una struttura gerarchica e istituzionale.

    The archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, expresses in a letter that he supports the work of the KPE, the German association and our Union, in his diocese. He really appreciates the commitment of the FSE in his diocese. The FSE in Germany (KPE) “is part of the service of salvation of the Church, helping young people to meet Jesus Christ and to live according to the Gospel”. The Cardinal is grateful for this work, “which is expressed in a narrow link with our Lord Jesus Christ and in a faithful love for the Holy Virgin Mary”.

    His Eminence precises that the KPE is recognized by the ecclesiastic law of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. With this letter, he explicitly confirms that, in his archdiocese, the KPE is recognized as part of the pastoral commitment.

    We thank the Cardinal with all our heart for this approval and this encouragement. With protection of our specific protector, Our Lady of the Road, we are going to do our best to satisfy the requirements expressed in this letter.


      Sin título-1

      Quand le chef scout peut faire jouer les parents… avec style scout. Et toi, tu montre le jeu scout aux parents? FSE en Ukraine, bravo NazarYeremenko! 

      Where the chief scout can make parents play… with scout style. And you, you are showing the game scout to parents? FSE in Ukraine, bravo Nazar Yeremenko

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