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 One week in the valley of Hoyoux (Belgium), trainees from Belgium and USA, trainers from several European countries and a wonderful frame: nature. A camp life to deepen even more the wolfcub pedagogy. Joyful gatherings around the camp fire. Special moments with God. A feast of Sahi, a big hunt and an exploration. In short, a camp full of new experiences, joys, learning, friendship, in order to do our service even better in the future!

Thanks to everybody for this beautiful adventure!


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In 2018, the bishops of the world will gather for a synod on the topic “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment”.

It’s about us!! The Church invites every single youth to take part actively by filling in a questionnaire about who you are and what your wishes are for your future and the future of the Church.

The UIGSE-FSE strongly encourages you to take part!

The survey is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portugese language HERE.


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That’s what happens when rangers from Belgium meet rangers from Belarus and Lithuania for a training camp and a leaders road around the lakes of Trakaï in Lithuania (July 2017):
Friendship, joy, discovery of other cultures, real scouting in ranger-style, beautiful nature, campfires near the lakes, hope to see each other again!



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The Religious Advisers of all UIGSE-FSE associations are invited to the

International Congress of FSE Religious Advisers

“Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment”

January 29th – 31st, 2018 in Rome

Program, registration and more information HERE!


  • We fraternally share pastoral experience and create a real international community of religious advisers.
  • We deepen our awareness of the specificity of the FSE scout method.
  • We get motivated to further improve faith education in the guide and scout units.
  • We think how to promote vocations to priesthood and consecrated life in our movement.


Program, registration and more information HERE!