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Scout Meditations

The „Scout Meditations on the Gospel“ by Father Jacques Sevin have recently been published in English language. It is available for 9,9€ (without transport costs) at Carrick France.

In this book, Father Jacques Sevin is more than ever a scout, moving forward and lighting the way.

As he sets the meeting with Jesus-Christ, His words, His gestures and Hits acts at the heart of the scout’s life, he opens a way and strengthens the scouting spirit.

By reading scouting in the light of Gospel, he sheds a new light on it which gives strength and deepness to most simple and daily gestures.

To Father Sevin, the scouting spirituality is not disembodied; it is a dialogue with Jesus, service to others, joy of living, commitment to a brotherly world. He was declared Venerable in the eyes of the Church on May 10, 2012.

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Photo: Laurent Clévenot

Eurojam 1984 – Velles (F) Photo: Laurent Clévenot

Father Edmond Barbotin passed away on Friday September 19th. Almost 94 years old, he was paralyzed since 2004 and lived in a nursing home in Strasbourg. His funeral will take place on Wednesday 24th in Saint-Maurice church at 10:30 a.m. and his burial will take place at the cemetery of Lorette in Saint-Servan (35) on Friday 26th at 16:30 p.m.

He was national religious adviser of the French association from 1986 to 2000. Endlessly, he accompanied a lot of roads, training camps, the pilgrimages of Paray and Vézelay, the WYD of Czestochowa in 1991, innumerable national and international activities… How many chiefs, chieftains, rovers, rangers, priests, religious men and women… were marked by him ? Impossible to say. He also wrote for our movement numerous articles and books about the pedagogy of faith.

We shall keep in our hearts the image of a holy priest, discreet, available, balanced, with remarkable intelligence and very fine sense of humor.

Now we entrust him to the Divine Mercy that he so often preached and poured out in the sacrament of penance.

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On the occasion of this Eucharist at the opening of Eurojam 2014, I, Martin, Federal Commissioner, together with all the General Commissioners, consecrate solemnly the International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We entrust the whole Union and its members to Him, what they live and what they do, their pains and sufferings, their joys and hopes during their scouting activities and their life in the world, so that the Union may only serve to honour, love and glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We therefore take You, O Sacred Heart, to be the only object of our love, the guardian of our Union, the assurance of its salvation, the cure for its weakness and lack of constancy, the atonement for all its faults, the source of its joyful peace, and the destination of its route.

Be then, O Heart of goodness, our justification before God the Father, let us savour the soft power of Your infinite mercy. O Heart of love, we put all our trust in You, and we hope for all things from Your goodness.

Burning heart of tenderness, remove from us all that may displease or resist You. Let Your pure love imprint itself so deeply upon our hearts, that we may never be able to forget You or be separated from You. We bless You for accepting to live within our Union and may our happiness and glory be to live and die while being all yours.