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School, with its walls that seem to lock you in, will end in a few days … Your freedom begins … Do you know how to use it properly?

  • You,  brownie guide, cub scout,  will you do your best to spend a week in the jungle with Mowgli and his friends?
  • You, Guide, Scout, will you be willing to hold your place in your patrol in the woods and under our law?
  • You, Ranger, Rover, will you give yourself fully to each of those you meet on the road in Europe?

Your Guide and Scout Leaders ask you to come out of your everyday comfort! They provoke you to give all the love of your heart!

Your Parents give you their generous yes by letting you grow in the “school of the Woods”.

This is the school of adventure, where we let ourselves get surprised each day. Also the one of great games that motivate us to explore and grow, the one of nature, by which we learn to live the joy of simple things and appreciate the power of silence; the one of expression by which we live with laughter and beautiful songs around the fire; the one of true friendship, where we have the opportunity to share beautiful moments with others and build strong relationships for life.

And finally, it is especially the school of Jesus Christ, who pitched his tent amongst us all. He will lead us to fresh source of well-being! Do not forget to ask your religious advisor or your spiritual Father to show you the way by receiving the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist.

And your strength will be developed to control your freedom to resume the pace of your last year … before we all will gather in the woods of Metz for the Eurojam 2014.

Dont forget to tell me about it!

Dare to live the adventure…

Martin Hafner
Federal Commissioner

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An invitation to experience the adventure of life is the preparation for the official opening of the Paray-le-Monial pilgrimage in 2013. The invitation is open to all pilots, assistants, Guide leaders, Group leaders, members of the technical team, RS godmothers… An event in the heart of the French Red Branch, but more alive in the minds of the European dimension, because the invitation reaches all corners of Europe.


A great opportunity to get together and live this All Saints pilgrimage!

A road that provides four days of simple life, reflection, education, pilgrimage, fraternal friendship and the shared joy and union.

Do you want to experience the joy of the 2013 gathering of ranger guides in Paray-le-Monial ? Then sign up!

From Thursday October 31 to Sunday, November 3.

Registration for all will open on September 15th on

In charge for the foreigns fires is Claire.


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After hearing about the flooding news in Germany that had caused important damage , over 30 German and Austrian Rangers and Rovers decided to help the people in need in Fischerdorf and Deggendorf in Bavaria and Grimm in Saxony-Anhalt.

Their rescue service began on June 12th and lasted about ten days. Motivated by the Scout Law that says: “The Scout is made to serve and save his neighbour”, German Rangers and Rovers actively worked by removing and cleaning the personal property damaged by the floods.


They were delighted with the opportunity to address the needs of others. For example, they provided a washing machine for a woman who no longer had clean clothes. They also wanted to provide support through their prayers. So they had a Mass in the parish church with the residents.

During his visit to the flooded region, the President of the Republic of Germany, Mr. Gauck, met the group of scouts and he could personally thank them for their service.


The impressions and experiences of all the Rangers and Rovers present during their rescue service were very positive and a true sign of the real Scout spirit.