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From May 9th to 12th, the national pilgrimage of Belarusian rovers took place. They started their walk from the village Soly and went to Gudagai to the Mother of God.bialorus06

The national pilgrimage gathered rovers from all over the country including such towns as Minsk, Gomel, Grodno, Vitebsk, Borisov, Pastavy, Lyntupy. If one had joined this route, he would really have experienced the European dimension of Scouts of Europe as we were joined by the rovers from the cities of Zolochyv and Lviv (Ukraine). They came together with a deacon. And, perhaps, the most interesting guest was a young man from Sweden, who came to learn our experience in the development of FSE scouting, as his country currently does not have a Scouts of Europe organization.

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The main gift was not only great weather for all the days of the pilgrimage, but the opportunity of meeting good people along the way. Many villagers blessed the rovers and were happy to see so many young devout men celebrating their catholic faith. In one of the villages – Zhuprany – rovers taught the children some scout games. By the way one of the most beautiful churches in Belarus is situated in that village, the funds of which were raised by the famous Belarusian poet and democrat Francis Bogushevich who is also buried there. This man also took part in the 1863-1864 Kastys Kalinouski uprising, which was the theme of the camp fire which took place on the same day. After the camp fire, Pavel Belski had his Rover Departure ceremony to become the 5th RS in Belarus.


The pilgrimage ended with a 3-mile Way of the Cross in forests and fields near the village of Gudagai which was a breathtaking spiritual experience.

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Cracovie a pu voir déferler entre les 12 et 14 Avril une véritable vague de chefs Scouts d’Europe, notamment tous les chefs polonais de la branche jaune. Dans la même ville se sont réunis au même moment les chefs de la branche verte, venus assister à la réunion du XXVI “Legwan”.


Les chefs ont pu assister à des conférences et des débats portant sur le thème de chaque réunion, alternant avec des activité communes, comme l’Heure route, la messe, les repas ou la visite d’une abbaye cistercienne.

Les participants ont pu jouer à de nombreux jeux sous le soleil de Cracovie, l’endroit sélectionné pour la conférence de Bartłomiej Bodziechowski se trouvant un être un parc. La soirée fut consacrée à une promenade à travers le centre de Cracovie.

C’est grâce à cela que nous avons pu constater que les méthodes des différentes branches scoutes sont remarquablement liées entre elles, en découvrant notamment à quel point l’on peut apprendre de l’autre. Le rassemblement s’est achevé, entre autres, sur la création de nouveaux badges; de nombreuses idées nouvelles de jeux ont été proposées, plusieurs d’entre elles concernant l’éventuel lancement d’une chronique tenue par l’équipe responsable.

“Legwan” fut également extrêmement constructif. Certaines idées, telles que celle d’un “marché des idées” ou les “Hussards” (inspirée par les routiers français) y ont été proposées. Une grande partie de la réunion a été consacrée à la préparation de l’Eurojam, qui se tiendra en France l’an prochain.

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The meeting, which took place between April 27 – 28 in Metz gathered the chiefs of the Eurojams’ logistical and pedagogical subcommittees.


Present were also chiefs who looked over the progression of the projects and who voiced their opinion on the work of each of the groups. On Saturday afternoon, everyone visited the camp grounds, where next year aproximately ten thousand Guides and Scouts of Europe will be camping.


Martin Hafner, summing up the meeting, compared the progressing preparations to the start of spring, when nature awakes, and plants begin to blossom. A similar explosion of life is just taking place in the work of Eurojams’ pedagogical and logistical subcommittees.