….National wolfcub meeting!
More information HERE
….Ruta catalana 2015
Translation into ENGLISH, FRENCH and GERMAN possible!
More information: maria.minda@skauci-europy.pl
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Mt 5: 8)”. This is the motto of the XXX. World Youth Day 2015, celebrated in the dioceses.
“Once I asked you the question: “Where is your treasure? In what does your heart find its rest?” (cf. Interview with Young People from Belgium, 31 March 2014). Our hearts can be attached to true or false treasures, they can find genuine rest or they can simply slumber, becoming lazy and lethargic. The greatest good we can have in life is our relationship with God. Are you convinced of this? Do you realize how much you are worth in the eyes of God? Do you know that you are loved and welcomed by him unconditionally, as indeed you are? Once we lose our sense of this, we human beings become an incomprehensible enigma, for it is the knowledge that we are loved unconditionally by God which gives meaning to our lives. Do you remember the conversation that Jesus had with the rich young man (cf. Mk 10:17-22)? The evangelist Mark observes that the Lord looked upon him and loved him (v. 21), and invited him to follow him and thus to find true riches. I hope, dear young friends, that this loving gaze of Christ will accompany each of you throughout life.”
Discover the whole message in different languages:
English + French + Italian + Polish + German + Spanish
“I am glad to be with you finally and to express to you – in the name of the Church – my sincere gratitude for your loyal and fruitful commitment to the human and Christian formation of the younger generations. In our days characterised by a great educational crisis, this is an extremely urgent mission.”
Discover the Homily of Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, president of the Pontifical Council for Laity at the Eurojam closing meeting in Rome, December 6th 2014:
English + French
+ Italian