
Dear friends, 

Passing the French-German border 30 minutes ago, I want to share my satisfaction, yes enthusiasm about the Unit Leaders Camp with you. “Come and See” will not get a reality, it has already been a reality, and is a reality from now on. Five hundred unit leaders united in deep silence in front of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament surrounded by a patrol tent, meals in international patrols, joyful campfires and spectacles, intensive conferences and exchanges… ended up in seeing French guides and scouts greeting their Italian sisters and brothers leaving by bus with enthusiastic La-ola waves!

Many things are still to improve, but the Eurojam preparation has now really, really got in touch with Normandy, with the land of Saint-Hubert, and everybody knows about the last efforts to give in the upcoming weeks. We are sailing in the wind of the Holy Spirit facing the storms of our difficulties. But we are decisively on the Eurojam boat from now on, we fix everything more and more tightly, and invite more and more people to get on deck of the ship.

Thanks to all volunteers, thanks to all the preparation team, thanks to France, thanks to all associations which send their leaders under extreme sacrifices of time and money!

I cannot await the moment of the opening ceremony on August 3rd, day of the 100th anniversary of the sacerdotal ordination of father Jacques Sevin.

Let us boost the preparation of the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus within your associations  from today on. The ground we are working on, our unit leaders, are well prepared. We just have to sow.

Duc in altum!

Martin Hafner 


Chers amis,

J’ai traversé la frontière entre la France et l’Allemagne il y a une demi-heure et je voudrais partager avec vous ma satisfaction, mon enthousiasme même, au sujet du Camp des Chefs d’Unité. « Venez et Voyez » ne va pas devenir une réalité : ça l’est déjà, à partir de maintenant. Cinq cents chefs d’unité rassemblés dans un profond silence devant Jésus dans le Saint-Sacrement abrité sous une tente de patrouille, des repas en patrouilles internationales, de joyeux feux de camp et spectacles, des conférences et échanges intenses… et finalement les guides et scouts français faisant une ola enthousiaste pour dire au revoir à leurs frères et sœurs italiens qui repartaient en bus !

Il reste encore beaucoup de choses à améliorer mais la préparation de l’Eurojam a vraiment pris racine en Normandie, sur la terre de Saint-Hubert, et chacun sait quels derniers efforts il doit fournir dans les semaines à venir. Nous naviguons au vent de l’Esprit Saint, affrontant les orages de nos difficultés. Mais nous sommes pour de bon dans le bateau de l’Eurojam maintenant, nous arrimons tout de façon plus solide, et nous invitons de plus en plus de gens à monter à bord.

Merci à tous les volontaires, merci à toute l’équipe de préparation, merci à la France, merci à toutes les associations qui envoient leurs chefs, moyennant des sacrifices énormes de temps et d’argent !

Je suis impatient d’être à la cérémonie d’ouverture du 3 août, jour du 100° anniversaire de l’ordination sacerdotale du père Jacques Sevin.

Intensifions la préparation à la consécration au Cœur Sacré de Jésus dans nos associations à partir d’aujourd’hui. Le terreau sur lequel nous travaillons, nos chefs d’unité, est bien préparé. Nous n’avons plus qu’à semer !

Duc in altum !


    Eurojam 2014 – Nous avons besoin de TOI!

    Appel aux routiers, guides aînées, parents, anciens, amis…Un grand événement tel que l’Eurojam – imaginez 10000 guides et scouts dans un même lieu ! – demande beaucoup de bras et de compétences : installation du camp, distribution de bois, orchestre, intervention-secours…
    Vous trouverez plus d’information ici :
    Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour un service ou envoyez un mail à volontaire@eurojam.eu avec toutes vos questions et idées !

    Eurojam 2014 – We need YOU!

    Call to rovers, rangers, parents, former members, friends…. A big event such as the Eurojam – imagine 10000 guides and scouts at the same place! – needs many arms and competences: installation of the camp, distribution of food, orchestra, intervention-security…
    You will find more information here:
    Register right now for a service or write a mail to volunteer@eurojam.eu with all your questions and ideas!




      Can we have briefly explain who you are? 

      My name is Theresa Schmidt, I’m a German and 18 years old. I’ve been in the patrol “wildcat” in the scout group of Arzheim, but know, after leaving the patrol, I’m a pilot. I’m living in Iffezheim, a little town near to Baden-Baden in the Black Forest. This year, I will pass my “Abitur” (German school leaving examination).

      How did you know about a contest for the logo contest Eurojam 2014?

      My cousin had told me about the Eurojam logo contest and proposed me to participate. Only some time later, I read again about the contest and the “game rules” on the website of the German Scouts of Europe association.

      Why did you decide to participate in the contest?

      To tell the truth, I decided very spontaneously to take part in the contest. When I was reading about it on the website, some paper and pens were lying in front of me, so I just started to sketch some drafts…. and thus found a nice activity for the evening. Moreover, drawing is what I like doing very much!

      What ideas are those that have inspired your picture?

      First, I integrated into my draft all elements which have been asked by the “game rules”. Then I allowed free play to my creativity.


      You’re no longer on patrol but you are going to participate in the Eurojam?

      I don’t think so, because at the time of the Eurojam I probably will be busy with a work experience in preparation of my studies in communication design.


      Thank you Theresa for your creativity.
      You will be present in each and every one of the participants in our Eurojam



        FSE Projets: 2014 l’année du premier film entièrement réalisé par les Guides et Scouts d’Europe. Les participants a l’Eurojam 2014 espèrent profiter de la première de ce défi technique et humain de l’association française pour construire entre les peuples la paix, une fraternité de foi, de prière et d’action.

        Pour en savoir plus …

        ESF Projects: 2014 year of the first film made ​​entirely by the Guides and Scouts of Europe. The participants Eurojam 2014 hope to enjoy the first of its human and technical challenge of the French association to build peace between peoples, a brotherhood of faith, prayer and action.

        To learn more …