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The sixth festival « between Heaven and sea » organized in this place, considered by some people as the height marvel of the modern world, took place from July 8th to 13th. The aim of this festival is to promote Christian arts and to awaken the numerous visitors coming from so different countries to the Catholic dimension of this place of pilgrimage.

With about 15 rangers of the Fire of Rennes, we joined the group of volunteers who came to help for the good running of the festival. Divided into groups of 3 or 4, we had various missions according to the days and to the artists who were intervening: every day, we settled the tents and stands of the permanent artists on the “Parvis de la Croix de Jérusalem”. So visitors could make a break during their walk up or down the numerous steps leading to the abbey. They could admire paintings, icons, calligraphies, sculpture and others. A group of volunteers was in charge of promoting these stands at the entrance of the terrace, calling the tourists, in French, English or Spanish, even in Japanese for the most courageous ones. In Saint-Peter’s church, located in the main street of the Mount, we invited the passers-by to come and listen to religious concerts or simply to stop for a while in this sacred place; This rich experience obliged us to meet people, but at the same time to remain delicate and smiling in order not to hurt their sensitivity. Although some people preferred not to pay attention to us, we were surprised to see how people pay attention, are curious and full of good will, even if they don’t have Faith.


These five days also enabled us, after 5 other days walking during the previous week, to act concretely, as true rangers, offering our folded up sleeves, the reason why we have chosen to go on with our guide experience: service. The family and relaxed atmosphere within the volunteers helped us to take the best out of this experience. Besides, we managed to find a regular time between us in order to strengthen our links within our Fire.

Concerts, visits, exhibitions… there were so many proposals offered by the festival, that we had to promote and to which we could freely take part! We could discover the numerous lanes and the steps of this Breton monument (this is a testimony given by guides from Rennes!), while chatting with curious visitors, pious pilgrims and all passers-by.

We could testify of our Faith with our uniform, among people coming from different regions and countries who could consider that Catholicism is disappearing.

May the festival go on in the future years and find motivated volunteers!

Alice and Elisabeth, on behalf of the Fire of Rennes

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Uniform? – Check. Sunglasses? – Check. Knife? – Check. Ok, ready for take-off to Brazil for the 28th World Youth Day.

No sooner said than done! My airplane took off to the other end of the world on July 15th. My first stop was on top of the Corcovado, best known to all globetrotters because of the gigantic statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer. It seems like he is willing to hug the whole world and each one of us. After this powerful impression my journey continued 500 km north into the state of Espirito Santo.

The travel guides and nature documentaries on TV can tell you about the nature, the driving skills of the Brazilians – in cars that you cannot buy in our part of the world – and about strange plants, animals and fruit. But these media cannot tell you anything about the way people live and believe in God. You have to experience it yourself.

I was welcomed not only with open arms but especially with open hearts. I spent my days in the diocese of Villa Velha close to the coast. Together with a German group of pilgrims and the youth of the local parish we lived an exciting time. We were not just able to enjoy the sun, the beach and the good mood but also to get to know how Brazilian life really is. Our hosts showed us slums and hopes of people who are disturbed by corruption etc.

500 years ago the Brazilians became Christians. The young Church lives!! Three packed Church services a day is not uncommon. The liturgy is full of music and animation. However, after the Sanctus an incredible silence comes down on you. Guitars and loudspeakers remain silent. No one cares if you are wearing the latest trousers or if you are already more than 90 years old. You kneel down. Then everyone is focused on the real essential: on HIM.

The odds and ends are the things that fascinated me: The short and silent prayer before every car ride, the little something among each other, the thumbs up and the continuous smile. Even if Germany lost the soccer game against Brazil at the sports night, friendships emerged from this night.

The people are poor but much wealthier than we are in Europe. Their warmth was overwhelming and even if I have already had to say goodbye to thousands of people in my life as rover, it has never been so hard as in Brazil.


We came back to Rio de Janeiro by coach! Rio is impressing for tourists not only thanks to its two huge cathedrals but also to the long and famous beaches. Nevertheless, it was really hard to see the fine sand this time, because more than 3.2 million adolescents followed the invitation of Pope Francis to Copacabana beach. A unique picture: streets blocked with young believers cheering for the Holy Father. Even critics got silent. No matter where you came from or which language you spoke: united in our faith, the Brazilian days were fireworks of warmth, evidence of faith, joy of believing, and of good turns. The rainfalls, which we almost never think of while hearing the name of Brazil, could not stop this atmosphere. Thanks to my UIGSE backstage pass, I could be nearby Pope Francis when he celebrated the solemn Vigil and the closing Mass with the youth of the world!

Maybe you have heard the emotional words of his homily on Copacabana Beach which fit perfectly for rangers and rovers: Go – without fear – to serve!”

That is why we can eagerly anticipate the World Youth Day in Krakow in 2016 to tell everyone about the fruit of our mission. The Pope’s message is not just for those lucky people having been in Rio, but for every adolescent and for you, too: Go and make disciples of all peoples!

Yours in Scouting,


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baner_ej_2014_3Via following the link: you can find the summer version of Eurojam 2014 website, where you can find out basic, essential information about EurojamAt the beginning of next scout year, you will find on the same Web address more details about the Eurojam (information and news about preparation to this great camp).

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conf presse  EJ

On June 27th 2013, the Guides and Scouts of Europe met four mayors of Ars-sur-Moselle canton to prepare the Eurojam 2014.

Representing our Union, there were: Martin Hafner, (Federal commissioner), Claire Verdier (AGSE President), Séverine Deleplanque (Province Commissioner of Lorraine) and brother Dominique Savio (Eurojam team).

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What is it about? On the occasion of the centenary of the first World War, 10 000 young people aged 12 to 17, from 18 European countries are expected in Lorraine to celebrate a pacified Europe under Robert Schuman’s protection, from August 1st to 11th 2014. Every ten years, indeed, the Guides and Scouts of Europe gather for a “Eurojam” , name of the “Jamboree”, big gathering invented by Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting.

How is the Eurojam prepared? For several months, the leaders of the French association (AGSE) are working very closely with the mayor of Ars-sur-Moselle, Mr. Bruno Valdevit, the municipalities of Ancy-sur-Moselle, Dornot and Novéant-sur-Moselle, as well as with Metz Métropole, the “Office national des Forêts” (ONF) and the State services to determine the camping areas. “For us it is essential to combine both imperatives : security of youth participating in the Eurojam, in the respect of the places that are assigned to us, and the scout method which is lived in the open air”, Claire Verdier (the President of the French association explains). Both parts have reached a formal agreement, exchanging conventions on that day in the town hall of Ars-sur-Moselle. Then there was a presentation of the project.

What will happen at the Eurojam? For eight days, except two big opening and closing ceremonies, as well as a pilgrimage, guides and scouts will have four days of activities, with games, the discovery of foreign teams, the history of this region, conviviality and artistic expression. You can find all information on the Eurojam on the website and
