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FSE+ is an Endowment Fund carrying out a project of general interest, founded by the UIGSE-FSE. It is entirely run by volunteers.
An Endowment Fund is a moral person under French law, which allows to carry out and to finance activities and projects according to the Fund’s objectives as fixed by the Statutes. It is enabled to operate within the territory of the European Union.
In this perspective, the Endowment Fund can receive private gifts from individuals, companies and foundations. The donations and sponsorships qualify the donors for a reduction in income tax according to tax law in the respective home country.
FSE+ is destined to support not only the UIGSE-FSE and its member associations, but also other organisations sharing its intuitions and objectives in terms of finances and expertise.
FSE+ is managed by an Administrative Board under the control of the UIGSE-FSE.
The strategical lines, the police of project selection and the yearly budget are under ser surveillance of the UIGSE-FSE Federal Council.
The registered office is in UIGSE-FSE, Route de Montargis – CS 80594 | F-77570 Château-Landon.