FlutkastropheWho says scout, also says good turn! “Be prepared” is our motto. As soon as we received the news about the violent flood in Lower Bavaria, the scouts of the KPE (Katholische Pfadfinderschaft Europas), UIGSE member association, start to organise themselves. 48 hours later, the first rovers and rangers are on-site to help the population of those little villages that have been violently flooded. Cars, houses, streets, bridges,… nothing has been spared. Important parts of the infrastructure (electricity, water) are destroyed, too. Our teams remove the mud the flood left in the cellars; remove the furniture from the cellars and the lower floors, and remove the wooden floors and the plastering, so that the houses can dry properly.

We start each day with the Holy mass in Altötting, a famous sanctuary, in order to bring our mission and the people who suffer from the flood catastrophe in front of our Lord.

Robert DesjardinsAt the age of 73, Robert Desjardins de Laval passed away on May 20th in the Sacré-Coeur hospital Montréal.

In 1974, Robert was one of the founders of the “Eclaireurs Baden-Powell” association in Canada, member association of the UIGSE-FSE during a long time. He served his association as a General Commissioner during nearly 15 years.

He was president of the International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe from 1987 to 1991.

His fellow scouts keep the memory of an active, helpful man with a constant good mood.

Farewell, Robert!

PubRoverTrainingCampInvitation to a rover training road (1st level) focussed on rovering in small UIGSE associations – in English language

Date: August 6th to 12th 2016

Place : Belarus

This road will give an experience of true rover life and is destined to team and clan leaders of smaller UIGSE associations.

The objective: To transmit the basic methodology of UIGSE rover pedagogy for young rovers and leaders: How to develop rover activities and rover pedagogy for small teams? How do we live roads when only 1 or 2 teams can be built?

During  6 days, we will live an itinerant camp (10-15 km/day), faithful to the high quality UIGSE rover style. Up to 2 theoretical sessions by day in English/(Bela)russian language will be the opportunity of sharing knowledge about pedagogy, organisation and the human/spiritual aspect of rover life.

Trainers and trainees are welcome!

Registration and informations:  renaud.lannoy@uigse-fse.org  (UIGSE deputy federal commissioner – responsible of the training camp)

    BischofWoernerDear Guides and Scouts of Europe,

    My cordial greetings to you all! You have come here to Neu-Ulm from all over the country for your national festival. In 2016 you are celebrating both the 40th anniversary of the KPE (Katholische Pfadfinderschaft Europas) and the 60th anniversary of your mother organization, the UIGSE-FSE.

    These are figures you may be proud of. But what is even more noteworthy is your incessant faithfulness to the Church and to Him who founded it, i.e. Jesus-Christ. You are known for this faithfulness; it’s your “trademark”, which fills me with great joy! It’s what counts: to be loyal to God and to the Church, with courage and self-confidence, in times that dispel the Christian religion, also and especially when we are attacked because of it.

    In the last book of the Bible, the Revelation by saint John, God sends an angel to tell the community of Philadelphia that remained faithful in difficult times: « I know your works (behold, I have left an open door before you, which no one can close). You have limited strength, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name… Because you have kept my message of endurance, I will keep you safe in the time of trial… » (Revelation 3,8.10a).

    This wonderful promise of God still applies today, dear guides and scouts. God opens a door to his faithful that no one can close. He can see our efforts to stick to His word and to His commandments and to not deny Him even when others laugh at us because we belong to Him and to His Church or also to scouting. Remain faithful, keep on holding on to Him. He and His Church need you. For nothing can move people’s hearts better than the brave and joyful testimony of youth showing that the Lord’s joy is their strength (see Neh 8,10) and that it is great to be a Catholic. There you have a true mission, in particular among the youth of your age! I know it is not always easy. But don’t be afraid! God never abandons his friends. May he reward abundantly your faithfulness!

    Then, I would like to ask you for something else. Take advantage of the Holy Year of Mercy to grow more and more in your love for Jesus-Christ! How can we do that? You may be asking. First of all, there is the sacrament of Confession that one could also call the sacrament of Divine Mercy. Enjoy receiving this sacrament, and regularly. In this sacrament, God is longing for you, with the desire of holding you in His arms ever again, of taking away your burdens, of comforting you, of healing you and giving you courage, when you no longer know what to do.

    There’s still another sacrament in which you may know divine Mercy in all its depth: the sacrament of the Eucharist. Go to Mass often, and take part in the Eucharistic adoration as often and as long as you possibly can. Blessed Mother Teresa (who will be canonised on September 4th,  2016) once said: “When we started with daily adoration (in our community), our love for Christ became more intimate, our love for one another more understanding, our love for the poor more compassionate and the number of calls doubled (…) The time we spend in our daily exchange with God is the most valuable time of our whole day.”

    You too, dear guides and scouts, go and experience it: if you present yourself regularly before Jesus in the Eucharist or even better, if you host him regularly in your heart by taking Holy Communion, He shall draw you ever more to His heart and He will change you in depth through His love and mercy. Your precious commitment in the Nightfever initiative in the Augsburg cathedral since 2008 has shown me that many of you appreciate the Eucharistic adoration and confession greatly. Please receive my explicit and cordial thanks for this service!

    May God bless you and be with you!

    United with you through prayer,


    Florian Wörner

    Auxiliary bishop in Augsburg