Between April12th and 14th, Cracow witnessed a true wave of chiefs of Scouts of Europe. All the chiefs for the yellow branch from all over Poland were present. Simultaneously in Cracow were present all the green branch chiefs, who came to the XXVI “Legwan” meeting.


Lectures, conferences and discussions- concerning topics of each of the meetings- were interspersed with shared activities such as the time of Personal Prayer, the Holy Mass, meals or a visit to the Cistercian Abbey of Tyniec.

The sunny weather encouraged the participants to hold a number of cubs’ games, the place which was chosen for Bartłomiej Bodziechowski’s  conference was a nearby park and the evening was spent walking round the city center of Cracow.

Thanks to this we were able to see how complementary the methodologies of both branches are, and how much we can learn from each other. The meeting resulted, among other things, in the creation of several new badges, many new ideas for the Council Rock, games, or the running of the cubs’ team chronicle.

La réunion, tenue à Metz les 27 et 28 Avril, a vu se réunir les chefs des sous-comités logistiques         et pédagogiques de l’Eurojam 2014_MG_1921

Les responsables de l’événement, également présents, ont pu attentivement suivre la progression de chaque projet et les avancées respectives de chaque groupe. Ils ont eu l’occasion de visiter le terrain au cours du samedi 27, terrain sur lequel s’établiront, d’ici un an, les tentes de plus de dix mille guides et scouts d’Europe.
Martin Hafner, présidant la réunion, a comparé les préparatifs de l’Eurojam aux prémices du printemps, qui voit la nature sortir de son sommeil hivernal et les bourgeons fleurir: c’est un élan de vie similaire qui porte les travaux des sous-comités logistiques et pédagogiques de l’Eurojam.”

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Here’s an abstract of a youth program POZIOM of the polish TV channel 2 (Telewizja Polska 2).

The program showed different aspects of the day to day life of a scouts patrol during one of their saturday patrol’s meetings. The scouts showed what it’s like to cook using a real fire, to play, sing and be amongst friends.

The second part of the video is a conversation moderated by a young journalist. Ola, Pawel and Petryk speak about the scout movement and the service it brings to modern society with passion where living according to the scouts code is not always easy. Congratulations!