LoretoPolish military cemetery, just near Loreto, where 1.112 soldiers were buried after the battle of Ancona, during WWII.

The Sanctuary of Loreto (in the Center-East of Italy, http://www.santuarioloreto.it/) has signed with our International Union an agreement of service to help the “Santa Casa” to welcome the numerous pilgrims.

Although this service is open to all Rovers and Rangers, whatever the country, the challenge was taken up only by Italians, and only by girls (scolte) for this first summer experience : it represented 178 daily turns, by 7 Fires of Rangers (57 “scolte”, staying between 3 and 5 days). They served mainly at the entrances of the Basilica and in two dining rooms. Working in turning teams from 8.30 in the morning to 19:00 in the evening, they were free after supper and could have their normal Fire activities as well as a spiritual path with the guidance of the Rector of the Sanctuary himself.

This agreement is renewed for next summer, from June to September (stays of 3 days minimum).

Here are some testimonies of the rangers:

“Through this experience, we have learnt to face different realities, with various people, and to establish links with people whom we knew nothing about”.

“In fact, each one of us has always been able to find a daily time to take distance with daily distractions, to enter into the “Santa Casa” and to express all her worries to the Virgin Mary”.

“My rangers and I have never received so many blessings in our life!”

“The rangers have also experienced the impact of our uniform and the obvious trust that people put on us”.

“Loreto was a specific experience which made us feel what it means to serve people in daily situations”.

Contacts for more information: Paola Ruggeri (loreto@fse.it)

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On m’a gentiment proposé d’écrire quelques lignes sur une expérience hors du commun. Une belle expérience de vie, que d’autres ont peut-être vécue ou voudraient vivre :

Celle d’une jeune étudiante en fac d’Histoire à Paris, qui monte le projet de partir pour une deuxième fois (après 6 mois à Rome) en échange Erasmus, à Bologne. Jusqu’ici, il n’y a rien d’«extraordinaire ». Pourtant cet échange universitaire n’est pas habituel car il ne correspond pas à l’idée que l’on se fait de l’étudiant Erasmus. En 2011, j’étais déjà partie à Rome, j’y avais passé 6 mois magnifiques et incroyablement féconds. Les 6 mois typiques d’un Erasmus : la coloc, les soirées, les voyages, les cours (mais pas trop), la découverte du pays, de sa langue, de ses coutumes, des autres étrangers, etc.

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