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The Woodbadge Days took place on February 16th and 17th in Vienna (Austria). Almost 30 trainees from 10 different countries gathered to share experience in leadership training.

It was a time to work, to share, to pray, to know or better know each other, to propose our service to others or to request help from others. To build a true friendship.

At the end of the day:

  • great welcome by the Austrian association with sightseeing in Vienna  √ check!
  • Interesting & exciting topics presented by the participants : Digital world & scouting, European Vocation in the red branch, International training camp, Spiritual time in training camp, Third degree training camp.   √ check!
  • Follow-up on spoken subjects – each association chose a concrete element to implement in association’s program and/or training camps during one year   √ check!
  • overall good participation of all attendees, interaction, exchange, good spirit, listening to each other, and peaceful ambiance  √ check!
  • inclusive methodology: workshops, discussions, exchanges per branch, etc.  √ check!

The next Woodbadge Days will be held on February 15th & 16th 2020 in Bucarest (Romania).

Let’s meet there !

Milisenta Miseviciute



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Find this impressive text written by Christian (20 years old) after a rover hike with the Federation of North American Explorers (FNE), our sister organisation in North America!

For anyone thinking of embarking upon a pilgrimage, retreat or spiritual journey of any kind, I hope the following insights on my Wayfarer pilgrimage shed some light as to how incredibly enrichening such an experience can be! Having hiked in the Colorado Rocky Mountains for three days, camped in below freezing temperatures with my fellow brothers and lived to tell the tale, I cannot fully describe the effect it has on one’s character, perspective and spirit. This pilgrimage was by far the most challenging experience in my short 20 years, and looking back it now, I doubt any other could have fundamentally shifted the way I look at the world as this one did. I truly believe faith must be practised and embodied through action and prayer, but living it within the context of a pilgrimage is a whole nother realm that brings with it a unique set of graces. Continue reading

Il nuovo Bureau Federale dell’UIGSE-FSE, eletto nella riunione del Consiglio Federale dell’ottobre scorso, si è riunito per la prima volta a Roma, presso la nostra Sede Nazionale, dal 2 al 4 febbraio. Erano presenti il Presidente Federale Antonio POSA, la Vice Presidente Katarzyna KIELER, Il Commissario Federale Bruno BORDE, la Vice Commissaria Federale Milisenta MISEVICIUTE e il Tesoriere Isabelle TRUPIN. Diversi gli argomenti trattati tra i quali, ovviamente, la preparazione del prossimo Euromoot. La mattina di lunedì 4 febbraio il Bureau è stato ricevuto nel Palazzo di San Calisto da S. il Card Kevin Farrell, Prefetto del Dicastero per i Laici la Famiglia e la Vita.