“Europe finds new hope when man is the centre and the heart of her institutions.”

The founding fathers remind us that Europe is not a conglomeration of rules to obey, or a manual of protocols and procedures to follow. It is a way of life, a way of understanding man based on his transcendent and inalienable dignity, as something more than simply a sum of rights to defend or claims to advance. At the origin of the idea of Europe, we find “the nature and the responsibility of the human person, with his ferment of evangelical fraternity…, with his desire for truth and justice, honed by a thousand-year-old experience”.”

Discover the whole speech of His Holiness Pope Francis to the heads of state and government of the European Union on March 24th, 2107, at the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome treaties:

Access to the full speech

    Sans titre (1)Do you want to continue your training by living an international experience in a wonderful castle in Germany?

    Then… Join the camp of the 12 stars!

    The 12-Star Camp is aimed at leaders of all the FSE associations who want to deepen their knowledge of the fundamental elements of our movement, who want to know our “DNA”. 

    The 12-Star Camp is the FSE training camp of excellence and an important milestone for your personal progress and pedagogical competence.

    Be a part of the 4th edition of this camp and enter the 12-Star tradition!

    Curious? Get more information here!

    Apply here!

      IMG_462960+ years, let’s celebrate!

       Thirty-six hours: a gathering around the “European flame” for 16 high-patrols* from seven UIGSE countries for the final celebration of Scouteurop’Tour (Brussels on November 19th and 20th 2016)


      The theme: One Europe, one value: Fraternity                        

      The achievement: Unforgettable encounters

      Built around the theme of Europe, this “European high-patrol Weekend” gave the possibility to recall the foundation of our fraternal Europe and especially to gather patrols from all around Europe with guides and scouts from Belgium, our welcoming country for this event.

      …read more and find pictures of the event!

      cep-spain-summer-2016More than 100 leaders from all over Spain recently enjoyed the training camps of our association for all branches from August 21st to 28th! This year we have the great opportunity to received training for company leaders by two Polish guides. To them and to our sister the Polish Association, we thank it heartily. Also we had training for group and district leaders, and we welcome two rangers and one rover scout in the RS Community. We are very thankful for all these blessings received from the consecration of our association to the Sacred Hearth of Jesus and Mary of last June. We feel more and more united and are actually working on a project of a camp for all branches next summer: Ibercamp 2017. We ask for the prayer of all our brothers and sisters of the UIGSE, thanks in advance!

      Flory Delgado

      (Photo credit : Arturo Gutiérrez)