Dal 29 al 31 gennaio 2018 si sono riuniti a Roma circa 130 Assistenti Spirituali di una quindicina di associazioni UIGSE-FSE per un convegno sul tema “Giovani, fede e discernimento vocazionale”. Il tema scelto coincide espressamente con quello del prossimo Sinodo dei Vescovi che si terrà a Roma nell’ottobre 2018. […] Continue reading

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The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life published and article about the UIGSE-FSE Congress of Religious Advisers!

Father José Guillermo Gutiérrez Fernández, an official of the Dicastery, spoke a few days ago at the International Congress of Spiritual Assistants of the Federation of European Scouting. The meeting was attended by delegates from 16 European countries as well as representatives from Argentina and the United States… READ MORE!