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You can download here all the numbers of the UIGSE-FSE magazine CONTACT.

n°10 CONTACT 06/2018

CONTACT EN n.10-2018 (English)

CONTACT FR n.10-2018 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.10-2018 (Italiano)


n°9 CONTACT 03/2018

CONTACT EN n.09-2018 (English)

CONTACT FR n.09-2018 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.09-2018 (Italiano)


n°8 CONTACT 12/2017

CONTACT EN n.08-2017 (English)

CONTACT FR n.08-2017 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.08-2017 (Italiano)


n°7 CONTACT 09/2017

CONTACT EN n.07-2017 (English)

CONTACT FR n.07-2017 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.07-2017 (Italiano)


n°6 CONTACT 06/2017

CONTACT EN n.06 2017  (English)

CONTACT FR n.06 2017 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.06 2017 (Italiano)


n°5 CONTACT 03/2017

CONTACT EN n.05-2017 (English)

CONTACT FR n.05-2017 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.05-2017 (Italiano)


n°4 CONTACT 12/2016

CONTACT EN n.04-2016 (English)

CONTACT FR n.04-2016 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.04-2016 (Italiano)


n°3 CONTACT 10/2016

CONTACT EN n.03-2016 (English)

CONTACT FR n.03-2016 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.03-2016 (Italiano)


n°2 CONTACT 06/2016

CONTACT EN n.02-2016 (English)

CONTACT FR n.02-2016 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.02-2016 (Italiano)


n°1 CONTACT 04/2016

CONTACT EN n.01-2016 (English)

CONTACT FR n.01-2016 (Français)

CONTACT IT n.01-2016 (Italiano)


To subscribe to CONTACT (free of charge), click here.

CONTACT is a UIGSE-FSE publication.

CONTACT wants to offer articles of substance on interesting, scout-related topics to the UIGSE-FSE commissioners and leaders.

CONTACT also gives news about the life of the Union and its associations.

CONTACT is prepared by an international team of scout leaders.

CONTACT is published in English, French and Italian.

CONTACT is published four times a year.