
During Eurojam 2003, on the flag map of Europe was one small empty space. Right in the heart of Europe, Slovakia. Afterwards bishop Milan Lach SJ wrote an article about FSE to newspapers. Already on December 2003 happened very first meeting and recruitment in small village Litmanova and in summer 2004 was realized first camp with two patrols of scouts and two patrols of guides. This all couldn´t be withou chiefs, Maria and Marek Šmid and Monika Hlinkova. Our spirituals – father Daniel Galajda, bishop Milan Lach and arcibishop Cyril Vasiľ took part in it as well.
Since that we made so difficult, but blessed journey.There was almost yearly realised summer camp, largerly international ( French, Italian, Polish, Czech scouts). Unforgettable Euromoot started and was proceeding here. Our chiefs have attended school camps in Italy, Poland and as well Slovakia. We were honoured to host federal council last year. And this year it´s been already ten years what this “heart“ is thumbing and trying to strenghten. Thanks God and all you, brothers and sisters.
Mária Antónia Strýčková

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    La dévotion du Chemin de Croix est caractéristique du Carême. Votre groupe s’y implique à l’église ? A Lviv (Ukraine), nos groupes y participent.

    The devotion of the Way of the Cross is typical during Lent. Does your group participate in church? In Lviv (Ukraine) our groups do.
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      SONY DSC

      Les entretiens que nous avons régulièrement avec le Conseil Pontifical pour les Laïcs nous confortent et nous encouragent dans la continuation de notre effort au service des familles et de la jeunesseContinuer à lire

      The talks that we regularly have with the Pontifical Council for the Laity comfort us and encourage us to go on working at the service of families and youth. Continue reading